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import Overlayer from './overlay';
import Util from '../util';

const duration = 1200;

 * initDomOverlayer
export class DomOverlayer extends Overlayer {
    constructor(opts) {
        this.domContainer = this._init();
        this.redraw = _redraw.bind(this);
        this.domOpts = opts.doms;  // store dom config
        if (opts && opts.map) {
            // bind render doms to each move..performance to be promoted.
            opts.map.on("move", this.redraw);
        this.doms = []; // store dom elements.
        this.lastData = [];
        console.log("Dom overlayer add to Map...");

    _init() {
        let canvasContainer = this.map._canvasContainer,
            mapboxCanvas = this.map._canvas,
            domContainer = document.createElement("div");
        domContainer.style.position = "absolute";
        domContainer.className = "overlay-dom";
        domContainer.style.width = mapboxCanvas.style.width;
        domContainer.style.height = '0';
        return domContainer;

     * updateDoms and redraw..
    setDoms(Doms) {
        if (Array.isArray(Doms)) {
            this.domOpts = Doms;

    findDom(domId) {
        for(let i = 0;i<this.doms.length;i++) {
            try {
                if (this.doms[i] === domId) {
                    return this.doms[i];
            } catch (error) {


    clearDoms() {
        for(let i = 0;i<this.doms.length;i++) {
        this.doms = [];

const lineHeight = 60, dotRadius = 4, chartHeight = 60;
 * domOverlay register&render above default canvas..
 * keep in absolute geolocation..
function _redraw() {
    let doms = this.domOpts;
    if (doms && Array.isArray(doms)) {
        // append each of domPopups to domContainer.
        for (let i=0;i<doms.length;i++) {
            let domOpt = doms[i];
            if (typeof domOpt == undefined) continue;
            // let sanity = Util.checkSanity(this.lastDoms[i], domOpt);
            let x = domOpt['lon'], y = domOpt['lat'], 
                pix = this.lnglat2pix(x, y);
            if (pix == null) continue;
            let iconName = domOpt['icon'], resources = domOpt['resources'], 
                domStyle = domOpt['style']? domOpt['style'] + ' animated': 'bounceIn animated',
                chartData = domOpt['data'], chartType = domOpt['type'];
            // data sanity should be checked, domOpts not changed then just update position!
            let dom = this.doms[i*3] || document.createElement("div"),
                line = this.doms[i*3+1] ||document.createElement("div"),
                dot =this.doms[i*3+2] || document.createElement("div");
            preStyleEles(line, dot, dom, pix, chartType||resources);

            let dataClone = Util.deepClone(chartData);
            // handle different typesof domOverlay.
            if (resources != undefined) {
                dom.title = (domOpt['content'] || ``);
                if (!dom.hasChildNodes() || dom.firstChild.src !== resources[0]) {
                    Util.setResource(dom, resources);
            } else if (iconName != undefined) {
                dom.innerHTML = (domOpt['content'] || ``) + '</br>';
                Util.setIconDiv(dom, iconName);
            } else if (chartData != undefined && chartType != undefined) {
                if (Util.isChanged(this.lastData[i], chartData)) {
                    // setChart would contaminate input Data.
                    Util.setChart(dom, dataClone, chartType, chartHeight*2);
                    this.lastData[i] = chartData;
            } else {
                dom.innerHTML = (domOpt['content']|| '') + '</br>';
            if (chartType != undefined) styleChartContainer(dom)

            line.className = "dom-ele", dot.className = "dom-ele";
            line.style.left = pix[0] + "px";
            line.style.top = (pix[1] - (lineHeight - 10)) + "px";
            dot.style.left = pix[0] - dotRadius + "px";
            dot.style.top = pix[1] - dotRadius + "px";

            // add dom to container at init process.
            if (this.doms[i*3] == undefined) {
                dom.className = `dom-popup ${domStyle}`;
                line.className = dot.className = `dom-ele ${domStyle}`
                console.warn(`add ${domStyle} css to dom.`)
                this.doms.push(...[dom, line, dot]);

 *  ___________
 * |chart/img  |   main popup. /// It is key topic to place popup align.
 *  -----------
 *       |         line/triangle.. (should implement by psuedoClass!)
 *       。         point..
 * chartWidth always 2*chartHeight if using Chart.js
function preStyleEles(line, dot, dom, pix, chartType) {
    const isImg = Array.isArray(chartType);
    line.style.height = lineHeight - 10 + 'px';
    line.style.width = '1px';
    line.style.position = "absolute";
    dot.style.borderRadius = '50%';
    dot.style.width = dot.style.height = dotRadius * 2 + 'px';
    dot.style.position = "absolute";
    dom.style.position = "absolute";
    if (!chartType) {
        dom.style.minWidth = "100px"; // consistant with chart/image dom width/height.
    dom.style.background = "#fff";
    dom.style.textAlign = "center";
    dom.style.padding = '3px';
    // if has chartType, display chart above vertical line.
    dom.style.left = (pix[0] - (isImg? chartHeight/2: chartHeight)) + "px";
    dom.style.top = (pix[1] - lineHeight - (chartType? chartHeight : 20)) + "px";

function styleChartContainer(dom) {
    dom.style.borderWidth = '0';
    dom.style.zIndex = 9999;
    dom.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.0)';

function animLine (line){
    line.className = "dom-line";    

const htmlTemplate = {
