import Const from './const';
import Bullet from './bullet';
import { readonly, log } from './util';
import { Sprite, randomName} from './sprites/sprite';
// // Drone model script
// const firingTime = 1200, MAXSPEED = 3.900;
* Drone class with control method.
export default class Drone extends Sprite {
constructor(opts) {
super(opts); = Const.DroneParam.LIFE;
this.bullets = [];
this.firing = false;
this.bulletNum = 2;
this.icon = Const.Images.Plane;
this.manual = false;
* maintask start interval to update its status.
updateStatus () {
// make sure Sprite in world..
let alY = Math.cos(this.direction*Math.PI/180) * this.speed * 0.001,
lat = + alY;
if (lat > 84 || lat < -84) {
alY = -alY;
this.direction += 180;
console.warn("latitude out of bbox, turn back..");
this.lon += Math.sin(this.direction*Math.PI/180) * this.speed * 0.001; += alY;
// updateStatusView. toDO in maintask.js
accelerate() {
if (this.speed < Const.DroneParam.MAXSPEED) {
this.speed += 1;
// this.updateStatus();
fire () {
if (this.bullets instanceof Array &&
this.bullets.length > 0 && !this.firing) {
let that = this;
setTimeout(() => {
that.firing = false;
// clearInterval(that.interval);
}, Const.DroneParam.FIRINGTIME)
this.firing = true;
} else if (!this.firing) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.bulletNum; i++) {
this.bullets.push(new Bullet(this));
// create Closure to handle the firing status change..
let that = this;
setTimeout(() => {
that.firing = false;
// clearInterval(that.interval);
}, Const.DroneParam.FIRINGTIME)
this.firing = true;
} else {
// this firing.. do nothing.