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function BBOX(opts) {
    let _opts = opts || {};
    this.minX = _opts.minX;
    this.minY = _opts.minY; 
    this.maxX = _opts.maxX; 
    this.maxY = _opts.maxY;

// Some Static Function bind with one Canvas context
export default class Canvas {
    // Bound with a canvas element.
    static init(ele) {
        if (ele instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
            Canvas.canv = ele;
            Canvas.height = ele.height;
            Canvas.width = ele.width;
            // let the canvas's width/height cohere width DOM width/height. 
            Canvas.ctx = ele.getContext("2d");
            Canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.9)";
            Canvas.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(10,200,240,0.4)";
            Canvas.ctx.strokeWidth = 1;
            Canvas.animate = false;
            Canvas.img = new Image();
        } else {
            console.error("ele is not instanceof CANVAS");

     * set ctx.strokeStyle with rgba() @string
    static setStroke(colorStr) {
        if (Canvas.ctx) Canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = colorStr;

     * set ctx.fillStyle with rgba(). @string
    static setFill(colorStr) {
        if (Canvas.ctx) Canvas.ctx.fillStyle = colorStr;

     * set ctx.strokeWidth and lineWidth. @number
    static setWidth(pixel) {
        if (Canvas.ctx) 
            Canvas.ctx.lineWidth = pixel;
            Canvas.ctx.strokeWidth = pixel;

     * draw Circle with given x, y.
     * radius: radius of Circle @number
     * fill @bool
    static drawPoint(coords, radius, fill, image, rotate, text){
        let imgWidth, imgHeight;
        if (coords instanceof Array && coords.length == 2){
            if (image) {
                Canvas.img.src = image;
                if (radius) {
                    imgWidth = radius;
                    imgHeight = radius;
                } else {
                    imgWidth = Canvas.img.width;
                    imgHeight = Canvas.img.height;
                // drawImage(img, x2left, y2up, imgWidth, imgHeight)
                // console.log("rendering drone..with width:" + imgWidth + " height:" + imgHeight);
                let y = Canvas.height - coords[1];
                if(rotate) Canvas.rotateCtx(coords, rotate);
                Canvas.ctx.drawImage(Canvas.img, parseInt(coords[0]), parseInt(y),imgWidth,imgHeight);
                if(rotate) Canvas.restore(coords);
            let y = Canvas.height - coords[1];
            Canvas.ctx.arc(parseInt(coords[0]), parseInt(y), radius, 0, Math.PI*2);
            if (typeof rotate == 'number') {
                let tmp = rotate%(Math.PI*2) - Math.PI/2;
                Canvas.ctx.arc(parseInt(coords[0]), parseInt(y), radius + 2, tmp-Math.PI/4, tmp+Math.PI/4);
                // console.log("rendering drone..with rotate:" + tmp);

            if (text) Canvas.ctx.fillText(text, coords[0], parseInt(y)-4); 
            if (fill) {
            } else {
        else return;

    static restore(coords) {
        let y = Canvas.height - coords[1];
        Canvas.ctx.translate(parseInt(-coords[0]), parseInt(-y));

     * rotate by the obj! 
     * first save ctx and translate to the obj center..
     * draw obj after ctx rotate !!
     * then translate back and retore
    static rotateCtx(coords, rotate) {
        let y = Canvas.height - coords[1];
        Canvas.ctx.translate(parseInt(coords[0]), parseInt(y));

     * drawBar with given Value..
     * x: where to draw in X axis..
     * width: bar width,
     * value: bar y value.
     * fill: fill or stroke. default false.
    static drawBar(x, width, value, fill) {
        let barY = Canvas.height - value;
        if (fill) {
            // fillRect(leftUP.X, Y, RectWidth, RectHeight)
            Canvas.ctx.fillRect(x, barY, width, value);
        } else {
            Canvas.ctx.strokeRect(x, barY, width, value);

     * drawRect with given BBox{minX, minY, maxX, maxY}
    static drawRect(bbox, fill=false) {
        let _bbox = new BBOX(bbox),
            rectWidth = _bbox.maxX - _bbox.minX,
            rectHeight = _bbox.maxY - _bbox.minY;
        if (fill) {
            Canvas.ctx.fillRect(_bbox.minX, _bbox.minY, rectWidth, rectHeight);
        } else {
            Canvas.ctx.strokeRect(_bbox.minX, _bbox.minY, rectWidth, rectHeight);

     * drawLine with given Value..@Array
     * lwidth : lineWidth @number
     * dash: default false @bool
     * fill: closeLine to a polygon
    static drawLine(data, lwidth, dash, fill) {        
        if (data instanceof Array && data.length > 0) {
            Canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
            Canvas.ctx.lineWidth = lwidth? lwidth: 2;
            // for drawing area close with xaxis.. render first point.
            if (fill) {
                Canvas.ctx.moveTo(-100, Canvas.height);
            for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                // each point of line contains x, y.
                if (data[i] instanceof Array && data[i].length == 2) {
                    let pointy = Canvas.height - data[i][1];
                    Canvas.ctx.lineTo(data[i][0], pointy);
            if (fill) {
                // close with beginPath point
                Canvas.ctx.lineTo(data[data.length-1][0], Canvas.height);
                // Canvas.ctx.stroke();
            } else {

     * draw Math.sin with canvas.
    // static drawDemoline() {
    //     let base = 50;

    // }

     * drawBars with given data..
     * width: bar width,
     * data: Array of values..
     * fill: fill or stroke. default false.
    static drawBars(data, fill) {
        Canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
        let barY, barX = 10; 
        if (data instanceof Array) {
            let segWidth = (Canvas.width-20)/data.length;
            let barWidth = segWidth * 0.7;
            for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i ++) {
                Canvas.drawBar(barX, barWidth, data[i]);
                barX += segWidth;
        } else {
            console.error('pls Input Array Data');
        console.warn("Bars rendered complete..");

    static clearCanv() {
        // Canvas.setFill("#000");
        // Canvas.ctx.fillRect(0,0,Canvas.width,Canvas.height);
